Community Engagement

We are all woven together and together we are stronger.

At Argyle Family Counseling, we are here to support our community and provide resources to boost emotional health and healing.  We are ALL going through something and by reaching out we can work together to build insight, awareness and promote positive change for ourselves and our community.

We greatly value partnering with our families, as well as local and surrounding communities. Throughout the year, we offer workshops, guest speaking, and intensives to address the current needs of our community by partnering with schools, churches and other community groups.

Topics include:

  • Relational health and restoration

  • How to repair ruptured relationships

  • Conflict resolution

  • Suicide awareness and prevention

  • Signs of anxiety and depression

  • Community resources to support your needs

  • Teacher training

  • Pastor training

  • Trauma informed care in schools

  • Mental health workshops in schools and churches

  • How to recognize when you or a loved one is struggling

  • Signs of substance use, abuse and addiction

What the Community is Saying…

“Sherry and Cara came to our church staff and walked us through a workshop on relational awareness, growth and rediscovery. Not only did we learn so much-we had so much fun! We talked through what it looks like to work in a healthy environment together, and we covered topics on how to manage power and control, how to communicate healthy disappointment, conflict management techniques, and more. I keep my notes from the workshop handy so I reference them when faced with interpersonal conflict. Our staff walked away with new awareness of our own hangups and behaviors, but also with specific tools to help us work well as a team.”

- Dee

“Sherry presented to our school staff as we embarked on a new school year. In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the role of teachers extends far beyond the mere dissemination of knowledge, as Sherry knows. Sherry empowered the staff with her knowledge of recognizing student's personal strengths and challenges, and how to use that as a positive tool, not only for the student, but the betterment of the entire class. Sherry is personable and relatable. Our teachers walked away with strategies to work with student anxiety and self esteem. She supports and encourages bringing out the best in each student based on their personality strengths, which supports connection for our kiddos.”

- Lead Counselor Director, ISD